About Me

My Personal Portrait

Hello, I am Siraphob Kanjanasaensong, a software engineer based in Thailand. I am currently working at API PLUS TECH as a backend developer. My expertise is in building server applications, APIs, data modeling, and system design.

I love learning new things, walking around the city or nature, reading books, and watching movies. I’m also a full-blown nerd who loves Star Wars, Anime, and tinkering with gadgets.

This is my personal blog where I write about my experiences, projects, things I’ve learned, and life in general. I hope you find something useful here. Check out my posts by using the menu on the top of the page.

To get in touch with me, you can

What I’m Doing Now

My Skills

Programming Languages

Note: I can work with other languages as well. These are the ones I’m most comfortable with.
